25.7 Niphal Weak What to Memorize

Think your way through the weak verb \(Pre\) to get back to the Niphal Strong \(Pre\)

  • 1G reject Sheva in \(R_1\) in the Niphal Perfect forms - apply the Rule of Sheva
    • \(Pre\) נַעֲ or נֶאֱ or נֶאֶמְ is the same as strong \(Pre\) נִקְ
  • 1G/ר reject the Dagesh Forte in \(R_1\) in the Niphal Imperfect forms - compensatory lengthening
    • \(Pre =\) הֵרָ is the same as strong \(Pre =\) הִקָּ
  • 1י were originally 1ו - will take Holem+Vav in the Perfect forms, and Consonantal Vav (with a Dagesh Forte) in the Imperfect forms
    • \(Pre =\) נוֹ is the same as strong \(Pre =\) נִקְ
  • 1נ - Niphal Perfect forms want a silent sheva in R\(_1\) - a נ with a Silent Sheva assimilated into a Dagesh Forte in \(R_2\) (if possible)
    • \(Pre =\) נִטַּ is the same as strong \(Pre =\) נִקְטַ
  • 3ה verbs behave as they did in the Qal - add the appropriate 3ה ending or vowel + י combination