31.3 Hiphil 2-Guttural

  • No changes
  • 2G reject Dagesh Forte, but this is not applicable for Hiphil143
  • 2G rejects Vocal Sheva but the \(V_S = \hat I\) will never reduce to a Sheva

  1. Potentially, we could have a verb that is both 1נ and 2G. We would think the Nun with \(V_1 = \ :\) would assimilate into a Dagesh Forte that is ultimately rejected. In our vocab, we only have one such verb: נחם (to be sorry, regret). What ends up happening is the ח’s rejection of the Dagesh causes Compensatory Lengthening in \(V_1\) of the נ. Since the נ only assimilates when it has a Sheva, the Nun no longer wants assimilate. The end result is that all three root letters of נחם are visible with the Hiphil \(Pre\) and \(V_S\) intact.↩︎