25.2 Niphal 1-Guttural / 1-Resh

  • Guttural takes Hateph Vowel instead of Sheva
    • Remember the Rule of Sheva -
    • Whichever Hateph vowel is under the guttural, the Niphal prefix will take the corresponding short vowel
      • Strong - נִקְ
      • 1G - נַעֲ or נֶאֱ (which we can imagine itself has been affected by the Rule of Sheva)
    • If \(R_2\) has a Sheva (e.g. NP3cp), then \(V_1\) lengthens from its Hateph vowel to its corresponding short vowel
      • 1G -נֶאֶמְ, using א and ע to represent any guttural
  • Guttural and Resh reject Dagesh Forte - expect Compensatory Lengthening
    • Strong - הִקָּ
    • 1G/1R - יֵעָ
    • Because Niphal has forms that put a Dagesh Forte in \(R_1\), 1-ר verbs are considered Weak verbs in the Niphal, whereas they were Strong in the Qal