32.6 Hophal Participle Strong Paradigm

The standard Participle prefix (מ) The standard \(V_S = \bar A\) - lengthening of P3ms Again, both Qibbuts and Qamets Hatuf are used interchangeably

Sing Paradigm Plural Paradigm
ms מָקְטָל mp מָקְטָלִים
fs מָקְטֶ֫לֶת fp מָקְטָלוֹת

Participle Prefixes in the Derived Stems

Again we present this table for review:

Stem Prefix
Niphal נִ
Piel מְ
Pual מְ
Hiphil ַמ
HOPHAL (u-class) מֻ
HOPHAL (o-class) ָמ
Hitpael מִתְ