
  • Lesson 03 A. Vocab - This is our first lesson with the Basics of Biblical Hebrew vocabulary list
  • Lesson 03 B. Grammar - This module will reinforce and expand on the major points of this lesson
  • Lesson 03 C. Study Verses
    • This is also our first lesson using the Basics of Biblical Hebrew study verses
    • With Study Verses, our goal is to incorporate the immersive learning aspects of Hebrew Quest
      • We want to expose you to Hebrew, even though you may not fully understand all the rules at this stage
      • We encourage you to use a Dictionary (such as this one) to help you when you come across unfamiliar words
      • Other dictionaries are available here
      • To help with this, for Lessons 3-10, longer verses will be divided into multiple sections
    • It may take you SEVERAL attempts before you can select Good in Anki
    • Be patient and stick with it - you’ll get it!
    • By the end of the course, you will learn close to 500 verses in Hebrew

To expedite studying on the Anki Desktop version, keep your left thumb on the Spacebar for when you know the answer and your left small finger on the 1 key for when you forget.

  • On the question side of a card, Spacebar (or Enter) reveals the answer
  • On the answer side, Spacebar, Enter or 3 marks the question as “GOOD”, and 1 marks the question as “AGAIN”54
  • Also, to study a specific deck, hit the / key from the main screen and use the arrows or type the name of a deck to filter

  1. 2 and 4 mark the question as “HARD” or “EASY” respectively. Hovering your mouse over a button will generally show the shortcut key, if there is one.↩︎