27.6 Piel Weak What to Memorize

  • 3-ה verb endings in all stems
  • 2-G/2-ר verbs lack the Dagesh in \(R_2\) - may have Compensatory Lengthening
  • 1-נ verbs in DP = NP (except for 3ms)
  • The mnemonic, pôlēl, to remind you of Biconsonantal or Gemininate vowel patterns

For most weak verbs, the strong diagnostics of the Piel are retained:

  1. Dagesh Forte in \(R_2\)
  2. “Piel-Pael” (\(V_1 = I\) in the Perfect, and \(V_1 = A\) everywhere else)
  3. \(V_P = \ :\) where applicable (Imperfect and Participle)