16.9 QI Biconsonantal

Biconsonantals are somewhat easier than geminates to identify in the QI as they retain the Lexical Vowel, take \(V_P = \bar A\), and carry the usual Imperfect preformative/sufformatives

  • \(V_P = \bar A\), as in: יָ
  • \(V_S\) and accent move to \(R_1\)
  • The Lexical Vowel REMAINS, though sometimes it is defective
    • Plene: יָקוּם
    • Defective: יָקֻם
קוּם Strong
3ms יָקוּם יִקְטֹל
3mp יָק֫וּמוּ יִקְטְלוּ