Lesson 6 Hebrew Prepositions

To comprehend Biblical Hebrew, we must be able to identify prepositions as we read the Text.

Prepositions give us space and context. Prepositions are on almost every page as the authors seek to communicate this context to us. Furthermore, there is one Hebrew word, מִן, that is classified as a preposition, but, depending on the context, can convey a wide array of meanings.


  1. Recognize that a Nun with Silent Sheva becomes a Dagesh Forte
  2. Describe Independent and Maqqef prepositions
  3. Define Inseparable prepositions
  4. Identify when a word with an inseparable preposition also has the definite article
  5. Understand how מִן is constructed
  6. Define how מִן is used
  7. Identify the Definite Direct Object (DDO) marker


Before continuing, can you describe the following concepts?

  • The construction of the definite article, including what happens when the Dagesh Forte is rejected
  • The construction of the Vav conjunction
  • How Hebrew handles indefinite words

Prepositions are a lot of fun because of what they communicate to us. So let’s dig in!