22.2 Participles are Verbal Adjectives

Participles are non-finite because they do not have 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person, but unlke infinitives they DO inflect for gender and number (just like adjectives)

  • They use the same adjectival endings we learned many lessons ago: MS, FS, MP, FP
  • They are used as adjectives
  • Attributive: I saw running water
    • Match the noun in gender, number, and definiteness
    • Attributive Always After (the noun), Article Always Agrees (with definiteness of noun)
  • Predicative: The water is running
    • Matches the subject in gender and number, but not definiteness
    • Predicate dePrived of the Article, Perhaps Precedes (the noun)
  • Substantival: running is good exercise
    • Has the gender and number of the noun it is replacing

Review Lesson 7 if you need a review on adjectives