2.10 בגד כפת letters can take either type of Dagesh

Any consonant (except for Gutturals and Resh) can take a Dagesh Forte, including a בגד כפת letter

  • The “Buck-up” letters will take the hard pronunciation regardless of a Dagesh Lene or Dagesh Forte - See the final word אַתָּה in the previous section

Advanced tip: When you see a Dagesh Forte, it often means that another letter (commonly, the letters נ and ת) has disappeared38. We will talk more about this later in the course.

It’s good to think of the Dagesh Forte as the “Doubling Dagesh” since it doubles the consonant and often changes a word’s meaning.

Conversely, we can think of the Dagesh Lene as the “Meaningless Dagesh” since it does not ever change a word’s meaning

  1. Not entirely unlike the English apostrophe in words like can’t. The grammatical term for this is “assimilation.”↩︎