Before we Begin

The authors of Basics of Biblical Hebrew say that Lesson 3 and Lesson 16 are the two most content-heavy lessons in this course.

For that reason, you must have your alephbet and vowels (including the vowel types) memorized.

Assuming you’ve checked your equipment as directed above, and everything is in tip-top shape for your Lesson 3 adventure, then you’re ready to begin. Take your time. Work through the written material, then do a little Anki work and see if it starts to click. If Anki is not making sense, then come back here and re-read the material again. Then go back to Anki. If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a break, and come back to it later. Continue to work through “the fog” that we talked about in the introduction.

You absolutely must have the concepts from this lesson hard-wired before you continue to Lesson 4. The good news is that once you get this lesson down, the ones that follow will be relatively straightforward.

In addition to all of these new concepts, the authors have also seen fit to introduce a full set of vocabulary words AND study verses beginning with Lesson 3. So the overall workload will increase, starting with this lesson (but so will your knowledge of Hebrew!)

We’re praying for you in advance as we tackle this section! Now, go climb the mountain!