27.5 Piel Biconsonantal and Geminate: the Polel minor stem

  • Biconsonantal verbs lack \(R_2\) so there will be no Dagesh
  • What happens is that \(R_3\) is doubled (as if it were a Geminate) and there is a Holem Vav (sometimes written as a defective Holem) at \(V_1\)
  • Example רוּם
    • DP3ms רוֹמֵם - this is also the same as DM2ms and D∞
    • DP2ms רוֹמַ֫מְתָּ
  • Because of the vowel sequence, Biconsonantal Piel is sometimes referred to by the mnemonic, pôlēl
    • While there are seven major Hebrew verb stems, many grammars classify several additional minor stems
    • Polel would be considered a minor stem
  • Take note that pôlēl is also the vowel sequence for the QPt
  • Geminate verbs are sometimes strong
    • הִלֵּל or יְהַלֵּל
  • Sometimes they are like pôlēl
    • פּוֹרֵר or יְפוֹלֵל
  • A robust vocabulary helps to identify Biconsonantal and Geminate verbal roots