13.8 Step 2: Put a Sheva before the Finite Sufformative

In 3FS and 3CP, this rule causes a Sheva to displace the expected Patach in \(V_2\) (step 4)

  • This is a general rule that results in a Sheva under \(R_3\) or \(R_2\)
  • This only applies to finite verbs (Perfect, Imperfect, Volitional)
  • Take a look at the Qal Perfect Paradigm table again and note how there is a sheva next to the sufformative
  • 3MS has no sufformative so it has no sheva
  • 3CP and 3FS looks a little different because those sufformatives both start with a vowel
    • The ל already has an associated vowel, Shureq (3CP)and Qamets+Hei (3FS)
    • A consonant cannot have more than one vowel
    • For these two PGN forms, since the Sheva can’t go under \(R_3\), it shifts to \(R_2\) (and displaces the Patach in \(V_2\))

The Sheva is rejected in the following circumstances:

  • A Sheva does not replace an unchangeable long vowel
  • A Sheva does not replace \(V_1\) of the Qal Perfect (and only the Qal Perfect)
  • When \(R_3\) is א, the א quiesces (generally resulting in Compensatory Lengthening of \(V_2\))

The Sheva may either be silent or vocal, depending on the rules we learned in Lesson 3