18.8 QM Paragogic ה

Paragogic ה is an extra ה appended to M2ms116

  • It occurs 311 times on M2ms forms - i.e. relatively infrequent
  • Our bigger concern is that it can be difficult to distinguish the Paragogic Hei from the FS pronominal suffix
    • קְטֹל - regular QM2ms
    • קָטְלָה (Qamets Hatuf) - QM2ms with paragogic ה OR pronominal suffix (Lesson 19) * Note how \(V_S = O\) (Qamets Hatuf)
    • We will need to determine from the context whether the Qamets+Hei is paragogic or a pronominal suffix
  • We will NEVER see the directional ה on verbs, so we can rule that out

  1. Scholars debate whether this has any meaning. “Paragogic” is Greek for “dragged along.”↩︎