16.7 QI 1א “Angry Baker”

Although there are only six “Angry Baker” verbs, they are among the most common in the Bible

  • There is a special class of 1א verbs that are irregular ONLY in the QI
  • They are given the mnemonic “angry baker”:
    • "I said אמר,
    • I want אטה you
    • To eat אכל what
    • I bake אפה, or
    • I may seize אחז you115, and you
    • will perish אבד."
  • \(V_P = O\) and the א in \(R_1\) is quiescent (usually \(V_S = A\))
    • QI1cs: NOT אֹא, BUT אֹ
  • Although only a few verbs undergo this change, these verbs frequently appear in the Bible
    • אמר occurs 2,973 times
Reg. 1א Angry 1א Strong
3ms יֶאֱסֹף יֹאמַר יִקְטֹל
1cs אֶאֱסֹף אֹמַר אֶקְטֹל
3mp יַאַסְפוּ יֹאמְרוּ יִקְטְלוּ
  • You saw this already with an earlier Ruth Pursuit. וַתֹּאמֶר is an “angry baker” verb.
  • When prefixed with the Vav Consecutive (Lesson 17), the penult is usually accented (וַיֹּ֣אמֶר is not va-yo-MER, but va-YO-mer)

  1. “MAY seize” here is intentional. Sometimes אחז is regular and sometimes it is “angry.”↩︎